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As per the SSA framework, each district will prepare a District Elementary Education Plan reflecting all the investments being made in the elementary education sector, with a holistic and convergent approach. | |
Financial Interventions on Sarva Shikhsha Abhiyan : |
The assistance under the programme of SSA could be on an 85:15 sharing arrangement during the IX Plan, 75:25 sharing arrangement during the X Plan and 50:50 thereafter between the Central government and State government. Commitments regarding sharing of costs would be taken from State governments in writing. | |
States will be required to maintain their level of allocation for elementary education in real terms on base year 1999-2000. The share of states under SSA programme will be over and above the base of allocation. | |
The Government of India would release funds to the State government/Union Territories only and instilments (except first) would only be released after the previous installments of Central government and State share has been transferred to the State Implementation Society. | |
The support for teacher salary appointed under the SSA programme could be shared between the central government and the State government in a ratio of 85:15 during the IX Plan, 75:25 the X Plan and 50:50 thereafter. | |
All legal agreements regarding externally assisted projects will continue to apply unless specific modifications have been agreed to, in consultation with foreign funding agencies. | |
Existing schemes of elementary education of the Department (except National BAL Bhawan and NCTE) will coverage after the IX Plan. The National Programme for Nutritional Support to Primary Education (Mid Day Meal) would remain a distinct intervention with food grains and specified transportation costs being met by the Centre and the cost of cooked meals being met by the State. | |
District Education Plans would inter-alia, clearly show the funds/resource available for various components under schemes like JRY, PMRY, Sunischit Rozgar Yojna, Area fund of MPs/MLA’s, State Plan, foreign funding and resources generated in the NGO sector. | |
All funds to be used for up-gradation, maintenance, repair of schools and Teaching Learning Equipment and local management to be transferred to VEC’s/School Management Committees. | |
Other incentive schemes like distribution of scholarships and uniforms will continue to be funded under the State Plan. They will not be funded under the SSA programme. | |
The main objectives of this scheme of Vocationalization of Secondary Education was to provide diversification of educational opportunities so as to enhance individual employability, reduce the mismatch between demand and supply of skilled man power and to provide an alternative for those pursuing higher education. The students who opt for training in major schemes of Vocationalization at +2 stages may easily take it after completing the course. Like other states of the country the scheme was introduced in our state as well. In Kashmir valley the scheme was introduced in 17 Higher Secondary schools in the subject of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sheep/Animal Husbandry and computerisation in the year 1994. The scheme could not take off due to non-availability of man power, especially teaching staff ,though all the posts created under Non teaching category have been occupied. | |
The Govt: of India has now launched another scheme known as Computer Literacy in Higher Secondary Schools. Under this scheme computer education is to be introduced in all Higher Secondary School in phased manner. In the first phase 91 HSS of Kashmir division have been approved by the Administrative Department and the work of these computer labs have been allotted to SICOP , RDD & JKPCC. Under the scheme 50 Higher Secondary Schools were identified to be constructed by JKPCC , 32 HSS by R&B Deptt. and 9 computer labs were allotted to Rural Development Deptt. So for 196 computer labs are at various stages of completion . | |
Training of in-service teachers | |
The Directorate of School Education, Kashmir deputed 493 in-service teachers for under going “A” level computer course. Out of which 210 completed the DOEACC ‘A’ level course during 2002-03 and out of 283 in-service teachers deputed for computer training during 2003-04, only 213 have joined in the computer institute. | |
During the 10th Five Year Plan (2002-07), the main thrust of the strategy was: | |
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Development of infrastructure |
During the turmoil in the valley large number of school buildings were either damaged or gutted. However, the reconstruction of such buildings was taken up in hand and by the end of 2005-06 all 712 gutted / damaged school buildings were completed / reconstructed. During 1st four years of 10th Five Year Plan period(2002-06) 384 building (under different Plan Schemes) have been constructed and 208 more school buildings are under construction . Moreover, with the loan Assistance of NABARD, 91 Primary School buildings and 255 Additional Class Rooms have been completed .The Department is contemplating to construct 69 Primary School buildings and 383 Additional Class Rooms during current financial year 2006-07 ( the concluding year of 10 th Five Year Plan).An amount of Rs. 593.08 lac have been approved for Civil works during 2006-07. | |
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Universalization of the Elementary Education |
Tremendous progress has been made during past decade of plan development and considerable education facilities have been provided even in the hilly and backward areas to provide free and compulsory education upto the age of 14 years. Besides, the Mobile Education Institute have been provided to nomadic Gujjar & Bakerwal | |
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Removal of Gender disparity by bringing all girl children within the fold of Formal Education |
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To provide adequate incentives like free text books, distribution free uniform and Mid-day Meals to attract and improve enrolment |
Bringing all the school – going – age children under formal or non-formal system of education is another important aspect of universalization Elementary Education. In order to motivate the parents to send their children to schools , school/ Village Level Committees have been constituted. During the period under report 2017 Primary Schools have been opened and 2876 EGS Centres have been established in nook and corner of the all six districts of Kashmir region. This has resulted favorably and the role of the students increased tremendously . The role of the students in Govt. schools has increased from 6.88 lac in 2002-03 to 10.23 lac in 2006-07. | |
It has remained endeavor of the Education Department to remove general disparity and efforts have been made to bring in fold the girl child population .During the year 2005-06 , out of total 10.23 lac students enrolled in Govt. schools ,4.82 lac were girls( comprising about 47 % of total enrolment ) against 5.41 lac boys. | |
To provide adequate incentives the Department has provided 2.26 lac free uniforms to the students during 2002-03 to 2005-06. About 18.31 lac Text Books were supplied free to the students. Besides 0.82 lac students were provided Merit Scholarship during the same period. 6967 Schools and 1569 EGS Centers (with 5.02 lac students )have been covered under Mid-day Meals scheme during 2005-2006. | |
The notable achievements made during last four years of the 10th Five Year Plan is given as under: | |
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2017 Primary Schools have been opened. |
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2876 EGS Centres have been established |
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1357 Primary Schools were upgraded to the level of Middle Schools |
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181 Middle Schools were upgraded to the level of High Schools |
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134 High Schools were upgraded to the level of Higher Secondary School |
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17220 Teachers have been appointed on the pattern of RT in Kashmir Division which includes 3172 3rd Teachers |
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Free text books have been provided to a total number of 19.27 lac students |
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160 computer Labs. units were approved for construction out of which 119 units have already been constructed and 22 units are under construction. Rs.316.56 lacs have been spent for the purpose so far. 77 D.G sets and 71 Computer systems have also been issued to these computer laboratories for starting Computer Education in Higher Secondary Schools. Besides, 423 in-service teachers were given DOEACC “A” level computer training |
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712 Gutted School buildings have been reconstructed |
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The enrolment of students has increased from Rs.6.88 lacs during 2002-03 to 10.23 lacs in 2006 |
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122 works of different nature, which includes construction of additional accommodation/repairs-renovation of High and Higher Secondary Schools at a total cost of Rs.27.39 Crores are under execution out of which 58 works have been completed physically and remaining works are at different level of completion |
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934 Primary School buildings, 162 Middle School buildings and 1273 ACR have been taken up for construction under SSA during the last three years. Besides, construction of 672 drinking water facility unit, 550 toilet units, 58 BRC’s and 385 CRC’s have also been taken up for construction during the period |
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English was introduced as medium of instruction in Primary Schools for which 3172 3rd teacher were engaged |
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K.G. Classes were introduced to prepare the students for pre-primary education and enable them to compete with the students of the private institutions at a later stage |
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Age for admission was reduced from 6 to 4 years in view of the fact that this is receptive and formative period in the life of the child |
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Construction of 168 new Primary School buildings and 712 ACR were taken up for construction under NABARD out of which 104 buildings and 320 ACR’s have been constructed so far |
Main thrust during the 11th Five Year Plan | |
Focus on Secondary Education: | |
Enlargement of access to elementary education is a mainstay of different interventions launched since 2001-02 under the banner of SSA. That has considerably reduced the gaps of infrastructure with opening of a network of Primary and Middle Schools in the State. An important achievement is that the number of out-of-School children (in the State) has got reduced from 3.63 lakh (in 02-03) to 1.08 lakh. The progressive improvement in enrolment /retention of children in the Elementary segment would demand that appropriate strategies are worked out for creation of a concomitant infrastructure at the Secondary and Sr. Secondary levels. | |
In the given situation, there are stark gaps even in the basic complement of facilities required in the High and Higher Secondary Schools. In Kashmir Division, as many as 160 Higher Secondary Schools and 237 High Schools are deficient in accommodation vis-à-vis the soaring enrolment, 07 Higher Secondary Schools and 60 High Schools are being run in a make-do manner in rented buildings, 294 High Schools do not have Science Laboratories, 113 Hr. Sec. Schools are without proper Science Labs and 135 Higher Secondary Schools are yet to be equipped with Computer Labs. | |
Due to the thrust on Universal elementary Education through SSA, there is every possibility of significant increase in demand for secondary education by 2010.Enrolment projections can be made on the basis of success of SSA at the elementary level. The SSA envisages achieving the goal by 2010.So the projections can be made on 100 percent success of SSA. Even if 100% achievement may not be possible, but 75% achievement out of SSA targets is not out of place. Presuming that 0nly 40%of the upper primary pass outs make up to enter secondary class (9th},There shall be additional enrolment & subsequently additional infrastructure requirement viz. additional class rooms / teachers ,hence additional financial requirements. | |
There is a case therefore for some shift in focus(in the 11th Five year Plan) aimed at a progressive and multi-pronged support in the Secondary and Sr. Secondary tiers to build on the gains recorded under SSA while helping to brace up in a futuristic perspective. | |
New Subjects: | |
There is need to introduce new areas of study which are market-driven, and have a futuristic potential, in the +2 Schools. Subjects like Bio-Chemistry, Bio-technology, Computer, Information technology, Business English etc are in demand. Creation of the requisite infrastructure in terms of Labs. and the staff support will be an immediate requirement. | |
As an interim intervention, not to be left behind any more, we have tried introduction of such subjects, on a modest and selective basis though, across Kashmir Division by possible permutation/combination, in the following schools: |