Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Directorate of School Education,



Subject: -          Promotion of Trained-graduate/trained post graduate Teachers as Masters / Head-Teachers


ORDER NO 1304-DSEK OF 2011

DATED     12    /    07     /   2011


                        Whereas 736 trained-graduate / post-graduate Teachers were promoted as Masters vide Order No: 1167-DSEK of 2011 dated 16-06-2011 and posted to various Districts including Leh and Kargil;


                        Whereas the order of postings of these promotees was kept in abeyance by the Administrative Department vide Govt. Order No.372 –Edu of 2011dated 21-06-2011;

                        Whereas the abeyance order has been withdrawn by the Administrative Department vide Govt. Order 409-Edu of 2011dated 12/07/2011;


                        Whereas some more vacancies have been notified by the Chief Education Officers in addition to the vacancies utilized vide order dated 16-06-2011;


                        Whereas the eligible trained-graduate/post-graduate teachers, as per the order of seniority placed on the website of the School Education Department, have to be considered for elevation against the additional vacancies notified by the Chief Education Officers;                      

          Whereas it has been decided to allow eligible trained graduate/post graduate teachers to officiate as Masters for a period of six-months or till confirmation of the DPC whichever is earlier.


                        Now, therefore, sanction is hereby accorded to:

  • The placement of 60 (sixty) eligible trained-graduate/post-graduate Teachers as Incharge Masters/Head-Teachers in their own pay and grade for a period of six-months or till confirmation of the Departmental Promotion Committee whichever is earlier, on the available posts in various Districts as detailed in Annexure “A” to this Order This order shall be without prejudice to the inter-se seniority of the trained-graduate/post-graduate Teachers and also subject to outcome of any  legal case, sub-judice in the Hon’ble High Court or any other court.


The placement of 60-trained-graduate/ post-graduate Teachers as Incharge Masters/Head-Teachers shall be on the same terms and conditions as laid down in the Order No. 1167-DSEK of 2011 Dated 16/06/201.


Consequent upon above and in modification of transfers/adjustments of the promotees, as ordered vide Order No. 1167-DSEK of 2011 Dated 16/06/2011, transfers/adjustments of the promotee Masters and officiating Masters/Head-Teachers, is ordered as per Annexure “B” to this order.

                        The promotees/officiating promotees, who have been retained in their parent Districts, shall continue to work on the posts of teachers, till they are adjusted against the available posts of Masters in the parent Districts.


                        The Drawing and Disbursing Officers/Chief Education Officers concerned shall relieve the promotees/officiating promotees, who have been posted to other Districts including Leh and Kargil within a week’s time positively. After the expiry of one week’s time, they shall be deemed to have been relieved.


The Chief Education Officer, Leh/Kargil shall also relieve the Masters, who have completed their tenure and have been transferred back to Valley vide this Office Order No.1184-DSEK of 2011 Dated 17/06/2011.

                        Transferees/promotees, in whose case change of station is involved, shall be entitled to avail joining time as per rules.



             (Sheikh Mushtaq Ahmad) IAS

             Director School Education,


No: Estt-III/A/NG/Prom/760-75                                                      Dated  12/07/2011

Copy to the:-

1.       Comr./Secretary to Govt. School Education Department, Civil Secretariat, Srinagar.

2.       Chief Executive Officer, LAHDC, Leh,Kargil

3.       Deputy Commissioner, Leh/Kargil.

4.       Joint Director, Migrant Cell, Jammu.

5.       State Project Director, SSA, Srinagar.

6.       Chief Education Officer______________ for inf. With the remark that variation/discrepancy if any found on verification should be reported to the Directorate and in case of variation in the selection list No. the promotion in that case should not be given effect.

7.       Order file/stock file.